mandag den 22. oktober 2012

On the way home


We are back at the hotel after a long, but nice day!

After I was taken from you, we had yet another tour of a school, but this was Cimic, which is more like HTX for Denmark, its for the sciency people, but in a more practical instead of theoretic way, which was fine, but cannot be connected to anything we do ever, and so to speak is not that relevant to us.

We ate at the Cegep which was surprisingly good food, and then we said our goodbyes to everyone. They gave us all a present with all kinds of school merchandise, but also with litterature quebecoise which was an amazing gift. 
Next stop was a museum, which to the teachers probably sounded like a good idea when they planned it, but which in reality just tired out the students and was a kind of bleak experience. 
Then we had a fromagerie which I was actually looking forward to trying, but when we got there it was more like a tourist-shop where they had two kinds of cheese, but we just bought funny things with maple syrup for our parents and weird candy for the trip home.Everyone was so tired, so giving them candy, was a bad idea, everyone were giggly on the way home, including (read: especially) the teachers who where in a mild word hooked on sugar. But fun, damn it was! 

We ended the night at a restaurant in the city with great food and then went to bed, next blogging will be the last one 
Till next time
The Viking



We are currently at the Cegep which is like a pre-university school, where people are between the ages of 17-19. I will be talking about last night and the meeting with our family. 

I was housed together with Laura, at a lovely family - the mother was the guidance counsellor, and the father was retired professor, they had all in all 6 children, but many of them were grown up and had left the nest. Remaining was however Maï Li, their 17 year old daughter. 
After we left Cabane a sucre Laura and I went grocery shopping with the family. Halloween, a holiday not even celebrated really in Quebec, was everywhere! Candy, stuff to dress up in, decorations, and the entire shop was so orange I though I was inside a pumpkin. 
We went home where we played table tennis, heard the girl play piano so well (!), found our respective addresses on Google Earth and watched some ridiculous synchronized TV. They also had a dog which Laura fell for instantly. Later they showed us their huge fountain in the middle of the garden.. little funny. 
They asked us were we wanted to sleep and we had each our room, but we slept both in the one with the TV and looked at pictures. 

We got up in the morning still completely beat from yesterday and they had made the nicest spread for us, Vietnamese breakfast, Danish, toasted bread, peanutbutter (yuk..) and fresh orange juice. As we looked out and the garden was lit up, we saw that they had Parc Sept Chutes (The park of the seven waterfalls) in their backyard and that the frost had taken its first toll on the grass, but with the sunny weather, how could one not love this morning. 

We left with the mother for the Cegep where we met our other classmates who had all had different and fun experiences to share of their own. They took us for a tour of the school and we stopped at an IT-room and here I am! (and sooooo tired.. don't tell my teachers! Shh!)

Till next time, probably tonight 
The Viking

fredag den 19. oktober 2012

Last (real) day in Quebec

Last (real) day in Quebec

So sad! It's our last real day in Quebec :( I will miss this place so much.

Me and Mathilde woke up a bit early. We were staying overnight at our host's house. Our host is a Quebecoise, and a french teacter at Cegep Beauce-Appalaches in St-Georges. Christine out host had prepared a great petit dejeuner. We continued talking to her, we found out that their lycee is kind of the same as ours, they for example also have association des etudiants, but at our lycee there are representatives from every class, at St-Georges there are only five representatives at all. We also learned that les jeunes are not engaged in politics like we are in Denmark, for example in Denmark many youngsters joins in party movements. We also talked about le temps, in Quebec they have colder winters and much more snow than we do. They have about five meters of snow :O! but on the other hand their summer is warmer and not rainy like ours. I would anytime prefere much snow and a warm summer than little snow and a rainy summer. 

 Around 9 a.m we went back to le lycee with our host, it was so huge, and really nice indside! We met with our classmates. We went out so we could get photographed to the local news paper. Un professeur became our guide and showed us around the lycee. Le professeur told us that sport  is mandatory but les edutiants could decide which sport they wanted and they could also add other matiere like for example "how to eat well". We also saw their cinema and it was soo big! After the tour we went to see another part of the school. This part was a vocational education, We saw how they teach etudiants who can not be in the actual lesson: The students follow the lesson over webcam, very smart.

 After lunch we went to see another pont also a very beautiful. Later on we continued to Le Musee Marius-Barbeau where we saw things from the first settlers who came to Nouvelle France. For example we saw how the houses have developed throught the years. For example le toit was like our in Europe, you know rooms downstairs etc. But now they have moved the rooms upstairs, because it is warmer. But they have also added une terrasse at the front of the house, to keep the snow away. Later on we went on to a degustation de fromage. I only like the cheddar cheese, like said before I'm very picky when it comes to food. After la degustation we went home. I better start packing, I hope I can close my suitcase ;)

xoxo serb

Lycee(m): High School
Association des etudiants (f): student's counsil
Les Jeunes: the youth
Temps(m): the weather
Professeur (m): a teacher
Sport(m):  Physical Education
Les etudiants: the students
Matiere(f): a subject
Pont(m): brigde
Nouvelle France: New France
Toit(m): roof
Terrasse(f): terrace
Degustation de fromage(m): cheese tasting

tirsdag den 16. oktober 2012

La Chute de Montmorency

La Chute de Montmorency

Today we were visitting the waterfall La Chute de Montmorency, we were a bit tired today because we were exploring the night life of Quebec last night. When we arrived, it was a sunny day but there was strong wind. I only had a thin jacket on so I was not suited for this trip. My teacher lent me her hat so I wouldn't freeze entirely.

We first stopped at a pont near the Parc de la Chute-Montmorency, it had a beautidul view over the river, because of the sun and the beautiful colourful nature. Later on we went through the park, there were leaves everywhere, the leaves were in the most fantastic fall colours.

We stopped at a location where the British General Wolfe had his troops in la guerre against the French. General Wolfe had the advantage, because he and his where on a higher location, so he could at anytime keep an eye on his enemy, and when they were going to attack. General Wolfe lost la bataille but they won la guerre.

 Afterwards we came to a brigde where we could se the Chute from above. It was a very windy and cold view but very nice. We got to see la chute from different angles. Our teacher told us that Chute de Montmorency is 30 meters higher than Niagara Falls but not widere. 

 We later went to some stairs, so we could get closer to la chute. It didn't take long before we were few meters from la chute. There was a pretty rainbow close to the fall, such a fantastic view. We wanted to take a group photo but la chute splashed water at us, so our cameras became a little wet. When we had seen la chute, we wanted to go back, but we had to decide if we wanted to pay for  l'ascenseur or take the stairs. One ride with l'ascenseur was 8 CAD and that was way too expensive. So we took the stairs. It was very hard, I'm in a very bad shape so this took very long time for me to climp these stairs! I was so tired, when I made the top. Later we would like to see a Centre d'achat.

xoxo serb

La Chute de Montmorency: Montmorency Falls
Parc(m): a Park
Guerre(f): war
Bataille(f): a battle
Ascenseur(m): elevator
Centre d'achat(m): Mall

fredag den 12. oktober 2012


Today we needed to wake up early because we had to meet with a teacher from a Lycee Quebecois. Her name was Linda, she had made a tour through the Quebec arear. First we saw the l`Eglise Saint George, which is the local catholic church, our guide at l'eglise was sweet, he reminded me of an old sweet grandpa. It was very beautiful and the guide wanted us to write in their guest book. During the car ride, we had the most beautiful view. You could only hear the cameras say click, click. ;)

 We ate lunch at a ecological resturant, which sells the local farmers vegetable. But they also had a resturant. I ate a pumkin soup, then I ate a veggie lasagna, I even ate the salat because the food was so good. For dessert I got a apple crumble cake with Sirop d'Erable, it was so good I tipped them 5CAD. After the lunch a local farmer came and told us about what they do and how the cooperation goes between the local farmers and the resturant. They even have a  little store where they sell the local farmers products. The local former who told us about the cooperation was also the la Presidente.

 After the lunch break our guide was taking us to see a farm where they produced appples. We went for a little walk were we plucked apples. The apples were so beautiful, they looked like they were from a painting. The apples tasted as good as they looked. We met a cat at the farm, it was so sweeet, me and some classmates became friends with this cat. This chat made me regrette mon chat, the cat's fur was doux.

We moved on to see a brigde in a park, I noticed that the bicycle track was dived in two so the bicycles only could drive in one direction. Later on we went to a restaurant were we meet our host families, which were teachers at Cegep Beauce-Appalaches, which is a lycee in the little ville St-Georges. When we arrived, we said hallo to the other teachers, and afterwards we went for a ride through the woods in a horse carriage. When we came back one of the teachers had planned a relay for us, we were divided into two teams - mixed of cause. In the relay we were supposed to put on gloves, a funny hat, afterwards we should run to a tree stump, which had a nail, that you should but you only got one hit in every turn! So this was a very difficult game!;) we lost unfortunately! After the relay we went into the restuarant for dinner. 

I'm very picky when it comes to food, and of cause I didn't like most of the food, but I did taste eggs with maple syrup, which had a very interesting taste but i kind of liked it. And along came the dessert which were three dishes; First we got crêpe with sirup d'erable, then came the maple syrup butter, very sweet. At last came maple syrup on ice - I thought it couldn't get any sweeter but this was beyond every expectation.  

A round 9 pm me and Mathilde went home to our host. Our host was the french teacher Christine. We had brought gifts to our host, I brought some sucreries danoises and a book about Copenhagen, While Mathilde brought reglisse which were very salee, but Christine liked it. Afterwards me and Mathilde went to bed.

xoxo serb

Lycee(m): high scool
Quebecois(adj): a person from Quebec
Sirop d'Erable(m): maple syrup
Presidente(f): a president
Regretter(vb): miss
Chat(m): a cat
Doux(adj): soft
Ville(f): a city
Crêpe(f): a pancake
Sucreries danoises(f): Danish candy
Reglisse(f): liquorice
Sale(adj): salty

tirsdag den 9. oktober 2012


Hello :D

Today we woke up early and went to school with our hosting families, and meet with the others at the school. We talked a bit with the families, and a teacher from the school gave us a guided tour around the school, and told us about the different subjects and rooms for the subjects. He also told us that the students were able to live at the school, and that they came from all over Quebec to study there, because it was so cheap to live there.
Then another teacher showed as a completely different part of the school. It was a technical school, where the students were learning to become mechanics, electricians, enginiers and more. It was a huge part of the school woth a lot of expensive materials and machines, and the students learned to act like professionels and how to do big thing, while they were still at school.
Then we went back to the main buildings and had some lunch with the teachers/hosting families, and then we talked to them, and gave them some names of danish singers/bands, and they gave us a goodie bag with a lot of different thins, fx. romans and novelles in Quebeqois.

Then Linda (the teacher who had arranged everything) took us to a bridge were we took a short walk, and to a museum of the history of Beauce (the city were the school was, and the hosting families lived) we were all very tired, and we just wanted to go back to the hotel, but we held out even though we were slowly falling asleep. Then we went to a "fromagerie" to taste some cheese, which was a very dissapointing experience, because the "fromagerie" looked like a gas station, and we only tasted two different types of cheese, wich were very salty and rubber-ish, so we all bought some candy instead (even though we had all had enough of sugar from the night before, were we had a lot of mable sirup) and ate it at the bus ride back to the hotel, so we were all very tired and doped on sugar ... Well, that was a fun ride (:

Back at the hotel we just relaxed and waited for it to be time to go to dinner (: We all ate togther and we had some really great tasting food. Then we all just went home and started packing for the trip home tomorrow. I am definetley in love with Quebec, but I am really looking forward to getting home to my own bed and to be able to go to your own room and be alone for the first time in 11 days (:

- Bye for now (:
- Kristine (:

PS: Pictures will be coming soon (:


Hello everyone (:

We arrived at Quebec friday night, after a long flight ... We all went out together and found a small restaurant where they served all kinds of Crèpe, and then we took a walk down the streets of Quebec, it is a very beautiful city, which is definetley inspired by the old Europe, it looks nothing like Amerika, but it is a very small and cozy city with beautiful architecture and a lot of hills (:
And they even have a lot of good stores over here, so it is a fine shopping-city, even though I thought it would not be a good place to shop after beeing in New York, this is more than fine (: 
Saturday we wandered around Quebec just watching the architecture and the city, at the evening we went to a Hockey game and watched the Remparts win 7-2, it was fun to see a different kind of sport, and the culture and traditions around it (:At night we went to a bar, and had a lot of fun meeting the locals, but we were very choked when the bar closed at 3am, which was all normal at a saturday night :o that would never have happened in Denmark!
Sunday we went to see "La chute Montmorency" which is a waterfall that is 30 meters taller than the Niagra falls. But there was a lot of stairs at this waterfall, that was not that fun ...
Monday we woke up early to go and get some breakfeast and pack a bag, because we were goning on a bus ride with another "proffesseur dans une Lycee Quebecois" a teacher from a Quebecois High school, Linda, she showed us a beautiful church and a local restaurant with traditionel dishes, and with a very special local and ecological system (: We had three dishes and all felt sick of the though of having to eat dinner later (: At the evening we met with our hosting family that we were going to spend the night with. They had arranged a carriage trip for us through the woods, with their beautiful fall trees, and after that they had a man show us how "Sirop d'erable" is made, and finally they had arranged a compitition for us, and finnally we ate a two dished meal, with a lot of sirup ... BUT they served pancakes <3 Then we went home with our families and gave them our presents, that we had bought for them, I brought them danish cookies and liquorice, and talk to them about things about Quebec and Denmark, and my family brought me a can of Sirup for my father (:

see you all soon (: